שירותי דולה - doula services - HolyBirth

מה להביא לבית החולים? - Hospital bag checklist
סימני אזהרה בהריון - Warning signs in pregnancy
סגולות - Segulot
 עמוד הבית  My doula package  My training  How to contact me פורום
My philosopies about birth

My name is Michal Levy and I am a certified doula. It is my task to help women and their partners have the best birth experience. The best birth experience is something very individual. Every woman is different, every family is different and every situation is different. I can not decide for the birthing woman what is best for her, only she can make her own informed choices. My task is to provide objective information so that the woman and her partner can make an informed decision.

Besides that, I also give continuous support in whatever way is necessary. I am trained in reflexology, reiki, aromatherapy, shiatsu and herbal remedies that are relevant for childbirth. Sometimes it's enough that I only hold the woman's hand and give her verbal encouragement. I will do whatever is necessary at that moment, according to the wishes of the woman in labor. I know a lot of movements and postures that are helpful during labor.

כל הזכויות שמורות © צרו קשר שיווק באינטרנט הריון ולידה תקנון והצהרת פרטיות קידום והקמת אתרים